Elizabeth S. “Liz” Edwards

Messages of Condolence



11/11/2019 at 03:56 PM

Betty Edwards Gridley and family
Muncie, IN

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.  I remember good times through the years.


11/16/2019 at 03:26 PM

Linda D. Standish
Ottawa, Ontario

Dear Alan and Janet,
Dick and I are thinking of you.  This is a sad time for you.  You were a wonderful son and a great daughter-in-law.  Your mother was very fortunate to have both of you in her life.  It is always difficult to face the death of a mother and we are bemoaning your loss.  We love you both.  Take care.  Hope to see you in the Spring.
Linda & Dick












Mark F. Rinker Funeral Home & Memorial Service, Inc.